Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Agape Block Party 2010

Last year, on a sunny Sunday in the summer, we closed of the street in front of our church and moved our fellowship meal outside. Remember that day?

We barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs.
...which were enjoyed by all.
It was a fun, new way to hang out and eat together.
This Sunday, September 12th, we're going to try it again. It's a bit later in the season so it shouldn't be quite so hot, but pray for sun! Charity Tuuri is in charge of adding a new element to this year's block party: music! It should be another fun time including burgers, hot dogs, fresh air and fellowship.

Some of the same faces will be there.
Some of those familiar faces have grown over the past year.
Some beloved friends won't be there.
But they'll be with us in spirit.
The church will be providing burgers, hot dogs, buns, and condiments.

If you are in Group 1, please bring:
Dessert & Drinks

If you are in Group 2, please bring:
Side & Chips

See you there!
*All these fabulous pictures were taken by Peter Mahar*


  1. Great pictures! Thanks for posting this.

  2. Love the pics.

    Amanda...How do I deal with this as part of the kitchen team?

    Can you please email me to put my mind at rest.
    pickwickian.forever (at) gmail (dot) com


  3. Thanks for the post! I can't wait for this BBQ!

    The question I have is... Do you have a plan B in case of rain?


  4. Plan B? We are people of faith! We have prayed for rain and are confident that God will answer!

    Seriously, though, I guess we will maybe rig a cover to BBQ outside and then eat inside like normal.

    Weather forecast is looking pretty good and keep praying!
